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Finding the proper path
Age: the first signs of progressing age are showing
Location: Can often be found at Strifegorge or reading in the Library of the Remnants of Kimald.
Warrior Lineage
Of the line of Sir Thuk
through Lahnoran
through Islander
through Pogumni
through Ferno Vlade
through Harmonia
last days
March 2011
August 2009
July 2009
June 2009
March 2009
February 2009
December 2008
September 2008
August 2008
June 2008
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
September 2007
March 2007
February 2007
June 2005
March 2005
February 2005

Currently Reading...
'Rites of worship: how to honour the Gods the proper way'

'Of the great creations: the works of Ben, the Creator'

'The mystery of Life'

'Geography of Valorn and it's surroundings'

Of Qalynok'orlahrak and other famous dragons'

'The history of Valorn' part I to XVIII but several parts seem to be missing

'Of forests, grass, herbs, flowers, shrubs and trees: the flora of Valorn'

'The beasts of Valorn: a bestiary'

'Demons: a plague'

'Ancient Art and poetry in Valorn'

'Ancient Knowledge of the Golden Age: Science and Magic'

Finding the proper path
A thick book, lying on a desk in a monastery, hidden in the mountains. Nicely formed letters fill the pages, clearly the hand of an educated person.

Sunday, 27 February 2005 at 10:51

Ah, here I am, quiet at the monastery, where noone will disturb me. This is where I will write my thoughts and deeds. I hope to gather information of the current situation in Valorn. Lot's of the data I have been reading in the library here seems dated and incomplete. I hope to gather the necessary information to better this resource of books. I was raised here, and I learned a lot, but it saddens me that so much of what I have read about in books is lost,... and yet there seems to be so much that isn't recorded on the precious paper yet.
So much lost, and so much to discover!!

At least it seems the monks have forgiven me for my choice. But I fear that, though I pray to the Gods every day and perform the necessary rites, I have become an outsider in their eyes. Not following the path they expected me to go was like a slap in their face. And though my belief and faith in the Gods is great, I still belief my skills are better used for the protection of the inhabitants of Valorn, than mere healing. I know healing the land is a necessary thing, and I admire the people who choose the path, I know my brother will. But in this age, combat is a necessary evil. If I can focus my thoughts enough , maybe one day, I may play a role in the elemination of the Evil One.

Iron Knight Purazon

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